Source code for fedjax.aggregators.compression

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Algorithms for model update compression."""

import itertools
import math
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple

from fedjax.aggregators import aggregator
from fedjax.aggregators import walsh_hadamard
from fedjax.core import dataclasses
from fedjax.core import tree_util
from fedjax.core.federated_data import ClientId
from fedjax.core.typing import PRNGKey, Params

import haiku as hk
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

class CompressionState:
  """State of compression aggregator passed between rounds.

    num_bits: number of bits transmitted per client.
    rng: random key used for compression.
  num_bits: float
  rng: PRNGKey

def binary_stochastic_quantize(v: jnp.ndarray,
                               rng: PRNGKey,
                               v_min: Optional[float] = None,
                               v_max: Optional[float] = None) -> jnp.ndarray:
  """Binary stochastic algorithm in

    v: vector to be quantized.
    rng: jax random key.
    v_min: minimum threshold for quantization. If None, sets it to jnp.amin(v).
    v_max: maximum threshold for quantization. If None, sets it to jnp.amax(v).

    Quantized array.
  if v_min is None:
    v_min = jnp.amin(v)
  if v_max is None:
    v_max = jnp.amax(v)
  v = jnp.nan_to_num((v - v_min) / (v_max - v_min))
  v = jnp.maximum(0., jnp.minimum(v, 1.))
  rand = jax.random.uniform(key=rng, shape=v.shape)
  return jnp.where(rand > v, v_min, v_max)

def uniform_stochastic_quantize(v: jnp.ndarray,
                                num_levels: int,
                                rng: PRNGKey,
                                v_min: Optional[float] = None,
                                v_max: Optional[float] = None) -> jnp.ndarray:
  """Uniform stochastic algorithm in

    v: vector to be quantized.
    num_levels: Number of levels of quantization.
    rng: jax random key.
    v_min: minimum threshold for quantization. If None, sets it to jnp.amin(v).
    v_max: maximum threshold for quantization. If None, sets it to jnp.amax(v).

    Quantized array.
  # Rescale the vector to be between zero to one.
  if v_min is None:
    v_min = jnp.amin(v)
  if v_max is None:
    v_max = jnp.amax(v)
  v = jnp.nan_to_num((v - v_min) / (v_max - v_min))
  v = jnp.maximum(0., jnp.minimum(v, 1.))
  # Compute the upper and lower boundary of each value.
  v_ceil = jnp.ceil(v * (num_levels - 1)) / (num_levels - 1)
  v_floor = jnp.floor(v * (num_levels - 1)) / (num_levels - 1)
  # uniformly quantize between v_ceil and v_floor.
  rand = jax.random.uniform(key=rng, shape=v.shape)
  threshold = jnp.nan_to_num((v - v_floor) / (v_ceil - v_floor))
  quantized = jnp.where(rand > threshold, v_floor, v_ceil)
  # Rescale the values and return it.
  return v_min + quantized * (v_max - v_min)

def uniform_stochastic_quantize_pytree(params: Params, num_levels: int,
                                       rng: PRNGKey) -> Params:
  """Applies uniform_stochastic_quantize for all leafs of the pytree.

    params: pytree to be quantized.
    num_levels: Number of levels of quantization.
    rng: jax random key.

    Quantized pytree.
  leaves, tree_def = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(params)
  rngs = jax.random.split(rng, len(leaves))
  new_leaves = []
  for l, r in zip(leaves, rngs):
    new_leaves.append(uniform_stochastic_quantize(l, num_levels, r))
  return jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(tree_def, new_leaves)

def num_leaves(pytree):
  return len(jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(pytree))

def _entropy(v, uniq):
  uniq = jnp.concatenate([uniq, jnp.array([jnp.inf])], axis=0)
  hist, _ = jnp.histogram(v, bins=uniq)
  hist = hist / jnp.sum(hist)
  entropy = -jnp.sum(hist * jnp.log2(hist))
  return entropy

def _hist_bits(v, uniq):
  """Number of bits required to encode the histogram of v."""
  d = v.size
  k = uniq.size
  return k * jnp.log2(jnp.exp(1)*(d + k)/k)

def arithmetic_encoding_num_bits(v: jnp.ndarray) -> int:
  """Computes number of bits needed to store v via arithmetic coding."""
  v = jnp.nan_to_num(v)
  v = v.flatten()
  uniq = jnp.unique(v)
  entropy = _entropy(v, uniq)
  hist_bits = _hist_bits(v, uniq)
  return hist_bits + (v.size * entropy) + (2 * 32) + 2

[docs]def uniform_stochastic_quantizer( num_levels: int, rng: PRNGKey, encode_algorithm: Optional[str] = None) -> aggregator.Aggregator: """Returns (weighted) mean of input uniformly quantized trees using the uniform stochastic algorithm in Args: num_levels: number of levels of quantization. rng: PRNGKey used for compression: encode_algorithm: None or arithmetic Returns: Compression aggregator. """ def init(): return CompressionState(0.0, rng) def apply( clients_params_and_weights: Iterable[Tuple[ClientId, Params, float]], aggregator_state: CompressionState) -> Tuple[Params, CompressionState]: if encode_algorithm is not None: assert encode_algorithm == 'arithmetic' def quantize_params_and_weight(client_params_and_weight, rng): _, params, weight = client_params_and_weight return uniform_stochastic_quantize_pytree(params, num_levels, rng), weight rng, use_rng = jax.random.split(aggregator_state.rng) # TODO(theertha): remove the usage of hk.PRNGSequence. rng_seq = hk.PRNGSequence(use_rng) clients_params_and_weight_rng = zip(clients_params_and_weights, rng_seq) quantized_p_and_w = itertools.starmap(quantize_params_and_weight, clients_params_and_weight_rng) new_bits = 0. if encode_algorithm == 'arithmetic': # Accumulate the number of bits used by all clients without loading the # entire iterator into memory at once. total_bits = [] def arithmetic_encoding_num_bits_pytree(params, weights): leaves, _ = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(params) bits = sum([arithmetic_encoding_num_bits(leaf) for leaf in leaves]) total_bits.append(bits) return params, weights quantized_p_and_w = itertools.starmap(arithmetic_encoding_num_bits_pytree, quantized_p_and_w) aggregated_params = tree_util.tree_mean(quantized_p_and_w) new_bits = sum(total_bits) / len(total_bits) if len(total_bits) else 0. else: aggregated_params = tree_util.tree_mean(quantized_p_and_w) total_num_params = tree_util.tree_size(aggregated_params) total_num_floats = 2 * num_leaves(aggregated_params) # 32 bits for every float and log2(num_levels) bit for every parameter. new_bits = math.log2( num_levels) * total_num_params + 32 * total_num_floats new_state = CompressionState(aggregator_state.num_bits + new_bits, rng) return aggregated_params, new_state return aggregator.Aggregator(init, apply)
def rotated_uniform_stochastic_quantizer(num_levels: int, rng: PRNGKey) -> aggregator.Aggregator: """Returns (weighted) mean of input uniformly quantized trees with rotation using the algorithm in Args: num_levels: number of levels of quantization. rng: PRNGKey used for compression. Returns: Compression aggregator. """ def init(): return CompressionState(0.0, rng) def apply( clients_params_and_weights: Iterable[Tuple[ClientId, Params, float]], aggregator_state: CompressionState) -> Tuple[Params, CompressionState]: rng, rotation_rng = jax.random.split(aggregator_state.rng) def quantize_params_and_weight(client_params_and_weight, rng): _, params, weight = client_params_and_weight params, shapes = walsh_hadamard.structured_rotation_pytree( params, rotation_rng) params = walsh_hadamard.inverse_structured_rotation_pytree( uniform_stochastic_quantize_pytree(params, num_levels, rng), rotation_rng, shapes) return params, weight rng, use_rng = jax.random.split(rng) # TODO(theertha): remove the usage of hk.PRNGSequence. rng_seq = hk.PRNGSequence(use_rng) clients_params_and_weight_rng = zip(clients_params_and_weights, rng_seq) quantized_p_and_w = itertools.starmap(quantize_params_and_weight, clients_params_and_weight_rng) aggregated_params = tree_util.tree_mean(quantized_p_and_w) total_num_params = tree_util.tree_size(aggregated_params) total_num_floats = 2 * num_leaves(aggregated_params) # 32 bits for every float used and log2(num_levels) bit for every parameter. new_bits = math.log2(num_levels) * total_num_params + 32 * total_num_floats new_state = CompressionState(aggregator_state.num_bits + new_bits, rng) return aggregated_params, new_state return aggregator.Aggregator(init, apply) @jax.jit def drive_pytree(params: Params) -> Params: """Runs DRIVE quantization on a given pytree.""" leaves, tree_def = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(params) new_leaves = [] for leaf in leaves: # this uses the unbiased scale from section 4.2 in DRIVE's paper (Scale = norm2(R(x))**2 / norm1(R(x)) ) new_leaves.append(jnp.sum(jnp.power(leaf, 2)) * jnp.sign(leaf) / jnp.sum(jnp.abs(leaf))) return jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(tree_def, new_leaves) def structured_drive_quantizer(rng: PRNGKey) -> aggregator.Aggregator: """Returns (weighted) mean using the structured DRIVE algorithm. Paper: Args: rng: PRNGKey used for compression. Returns: Compression aggregator. """ def init(): return CompressionState(0.0, rng) def apply( clients_params_and_weights: Iterable[Tuple[ClientId, Params, float]], aggregator_state: CompressionState) -> Tuple[Params, CompressionState]: rng, rotation_rng = jax.random.split(aggregator_state.rng) rotation_rng_seq = hk.PRNGSequence(rotation_rng) clients_params_and_weight_rng = zip(clients_params_and_weights, rotation_rng_seq) def quantize_params_and_weight(client_params_and_weight, client_rng): _, params, weight = client_params_and_weight rotated_param, shapes = walsh_hadamard.structured_rotation_pytree( params, client_rng) return walsh_hadamard.inverse_structured_rotation_pytree( drive_pytree(rotated_param), client_rng, shapes), weight quantized_p_and_w = itertools.starmap(quantize_params_and_weight, clients_params_and_weight_rng) aggregated_params = tree_util.tree_mean(quantized_p_and_w) total_num_params = tree_util.tree_size(aggregated_params) total_num_floats = 2 * num_leaves(aggregated_params) # 32 bits for every float used and one bit for every parameter. new_bits = total_num_params + 32 * total_num_floats new_state = CompressionState(aggregator_state.num_bits + new_bits, rng) return aggregated_params, new_state return aggregator.Aggregator(init, apply) def terngrad_quantize(v: jnp.ndarray, rng: PRNGKey) -> jnp.ndarray: """Terngrad algorithm Args: v: vector to be quantized. rng: jax random key. Returns: Quantized array. """ sigma = jnp.std(v) v = jnp.where(jnp.abs(v) > 2.5 * sigma, 2.5 * sigma * jnp.sign(v), v) return binary_stochastic_quantize(jnp.abs(v), rng, 0., jnp.amax( jnp.abs(v))) * jnp.sign(v) @jax.jit def terngrad_quantize_pytree(params: Params, rng: PRNGKey) -> Params: """Applies terngrad_quantize for all leafs of the pytree. Args: params: pytree to be quantized. rng: jax random key. Returns: Quantized pytree. """ leaves, tree_def = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(params) rngs = jax.random.split(rng, len(leaves)) new_leaves = [] for l, r in zip(leaves, rngs): new_leaves.append(terngrad_quantize(l, r)) return jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(tree_def, new_leaves) def terngrad_quantizer(rng: PRNGKey) -> aggregator.Aggregator: """Returns (weighted) mean of terngrad algorithm. Paper: Args: rng: PRNGKey used for compression. Returns: Compression aggregator. """ def init(): return CompressionState(0.0, rng) def apply( clients_params_and_weights: Iterable[Tuple[ClientId, Params, float]], aggregator_state: CompressionState) -> Tuple[Params, CompressionState]: def quantize_params_and_weight(client_params_and_weight, rng): _, params, weight = client_params_and_weight return terngrad_quantize_pytree(params, rng), weight rng, use_rng = jax.random.split(aggregator_state.rng) # TODO(theertha): remove the usage of hk.PRNGSequence. rng_seq = hk.PRNGSequence(use_rng) clients_params_and_weight_rng = zip(clients_params_and_weights, rng_seq) quantized_p_and_w = itertools.starmap(quantize_params_and_weight, clients_params_and_weight_rng) aggregated_params = tree_util.tree_mean(quantized_p_and_w) total_num_params = tree_util.tree_size(aggregated_params) total_num_floats = 2 * num_leaves(aggregated_params) # 32 bits for every float used and log2(3) bit for every parameter. new_bits = math.log2(3) * total_num_params + 32 * total_num_floats new_state = CompressionState(aggregator_state.num_bits + new_bits, rng) return aggregated_params, new_state return aggregator.Aggregator(init, apply)