Source code for fedjax.models.emnist

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"""EMNIST models."""

from fedjax.core import metrics
from fedjax.core import models

import haiku as hk
import jax
  from jax.example_libraries import stax
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  from jax.experimental import stax  # pytype: disable=import-error
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

[docs]class Dropout(hk.Module): """Dropout haiku module.""" def __init__(self, rate: float = 0.5): """Initializes dropout module. Args: rate: Probability that each element of x is discarded. Must be in [0, 1). """ super().__init__() self._rate = rate def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray, is_train: bool): if is_train: return hk.dropout(rng=hk.next_rng_key(), rate=self._rate, x=x) return x
[docs]class ConvDropoutModule(hk.Module): """Custom haiku module for CNN with dropout. This must be defined as a custom hk.Module because only a single positional argument is allowed when using hk.Sequential. """ def __init__(self, num_classes): super().__init__() self._num_classes = num_classes def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray, is_train: bool): x = hk.Conv2D(output_channels=32, kernel_shape=(3, 3), padding='VALID')(x) x = jax.nn.relu(x) x = hk.Conv2D(output_channels=64, kernel_shape=(3, 3), padding='VALID')(x) x = jax.nn.relu(x) x = ( hk.MaxPool( window_shape=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='VALID')(x)) x = Dropout(rate=0.25)(x, is_train) x = hk.Flatten()(x) x = hk.Linear(128)(x) x = jax.nn.relu(x) x = Dropout(rate=0.5)(x, is_train) x = hk.Linear(self._num_classes)(x) return x
# Defines the expected structure of input batches to the model. This is used to # determine the model parameter shapes. _HAIKU_SAMPLE_BATCH = { 'x': np.zeros((1, 28, 28, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'y': np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float32) } _STAX_SAMPLE_SHAPE = (-1, 28, 28, 1) _TRAIN_LOSS = lambda b, p: metrics.unreduced_cross_entropy_loss(b['y'], p) _EVAL_METRICS = { 'loss': metrics.CrossEntropyLoss(), 'accuracy': metrics.Accuracy() }
[docs]def create_conv_model(only_digits: bool = False) -> models.Model: """Creates EMNIST CNN model with dropout with haiku. Matches the model used in: Adaptive Federated Optimization Sashank Reddi, Zachary Charles, Manzil Zaheer, Zachary Garrett, Keith Rush, Jakub Konečný, Sanjiv Kumar, H. Brendan McMahan. Args: only_digits: Whether to use only digit classes [0-9] or include lower and upper case characters for a total of 62 classes. Returns: Model """ num_classes = 10 if only_digits else 62 def forward_pass(batch, is_train=True): return ConvDropoutModule(num_classes)(batch['x'], is_train) transformed_forward_pass = hk.transform(forward_pass) return models.create_model_from_haiku( transformed_forward_pass=transformed_forward_pass, sample_batch=_HAIKU_SAMPLE_BATCH, train_loss=_TRAIN_LOSS, eval_metrics=_EVAL_METRICS, # is_train determines whether to apply dropout or not. train_kwargs={'is_train': True}, eval_kwargs={'is_train': False})
[docs]def create_dense_model(only_digits: bool = False, hidden_units: int = 200) -> models.Model: """Creates EMNIST dense net with haiku.""" num_classes = 10 if only_digits else 62 def forward_pass(batch): network = hk.Sequential([ hk.Flatten(), hk.Linear(hidden_units), jax.nn.relu, hk.Linear(hidden_units), jax.nn.relu, hk.Linear(num_classes), ]) return network(batch['x']) transformed_forward_pass = hk.transform(forward_pass) return models.create_model_from_haiku( transformed_forward_pass=transformed_forward_pass, sample_batch=_HAIKU_SAMPLE_BATCH, train_loss=_TRAIN_LOSS, eval_metrics=_EVAL_METRICS)
[docs]def create_logistic_model(only_digits: bool = False) -> models.Model: """Creates EMNIST logistic model with haiku.""" num_classes = 10 if only_digits else 62 def forward_pass(batch): network = hk.Sequential([ hk.Flatten(), hk.Linear(num_classes), ]) return network(batch['x']) transformed_forward_pass = hk.transform(forward_pass) return models.create_model_from_haiku( transformed_forward_pass=transformed_forward_pass, sample_batch=_HAIKU_SAMPLE_BATCH, train_loss=_TRAIN_LOSS, eval_metrics=_EVAL_METRICS)
[docs]def create_stax_dense_model(only_digits: bool = False, hidden_units: int = 200) -> models.Model: """Creates EMNIST dense net with stax.""" num_classes = 10 if only_digits else 62 stax_init, stax_apply = stax.serial(stax.Flatten, stax.Dense(hidden_units), stax.Relu, stax.Dense(hidden_units), stax.Relu, stax.Dense(num_classes)) return models.create_model_from_stax( stax_init=stax_init, stax_apply=stax_apply, sample_shape=_STAX_SAMPLE_SHAPE, train_loss=_TRAIN_LOSS, eval_metrics=_EVAL_METRICS)