Source code for fedjax.core.federated_algorithm

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Federated algorithm interface."""

from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple

from fedjax.core import client_datasets
from fedjax.core import dataclasses
from fedjax.core import federated_data
from fedjax.core.typing import PRNGKey
from fedjax.core.typing import PyTree

# Server state contains any round specific parameters (e.g. model parameters)
# that will be passed from round to round. This state must be serializable for
# checkpointing. We strongly recommend making this a PyTree.
ServerState = PyTree

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class FederatedAlgorithm: """Container for all federated algorithms. FederatedAlgorithm defines the required methods that need to be implemented by all custom federated algorithms. Defining federated algorithms in this structure will allow implementations to work seamlessly with the convenience methods in the ```` API, like checkpointing. Example toy implementation:: # Federated algorithm that just counts total number of points across clients # across rounds. def count_federated_algorithm(): def init(init_count): return {'count': init_count} def apply(state, clients): count = 0 client_diagnostics = {} # Count sizes across clients. for client_id, client_dataset, _ in clients: # Summation across clients in one round. client_count = len(client_dataset) count += client_count client_diagnostics[client_id] = client_count # Summation across rounds. state = {'count': state['count'] + count} return state, client_diagnostics return FederatedAlgorithm(init, apply) rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) # Unused. all_clients = [ [ (b'cid0', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4])}), rng), (b'cid1', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])}), rng), (b'cid2', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 1, 2])}), rng), ], [ (b'cid3', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 2, 3, 4])}), rng), (b'cid4', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3])}), rng), (b'cid5', ClientDataset({'x': jnp.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])}), rng), ], ] algorithm = count_federated_algorithm() state = algorithm.init(0) for round_num in range(2): state, client_diagnostics = algorithm.apply(state, all_clients[round_num]) print(round_num, state) print(round_num, client_diagnostics) # 0 {'count': 14} # 0 {b'cid0': 6, b'cid1': 5, b'cid2': 3} # 1 {'count': 31} # 1 {b'cid3': 4, b'cid4': 6, b'cid5': 7} Attributes: init: Initializes the ``ServerState``. Typically, the input to this method will be the initial model ``Params``. This should only be run once at the beginning of training. apply: Completes one round of federated training given an input ``ServerState`` and a sequence of tuples of client identifier, client dataset, and client rng. The output will be a new, updated ``ServerState`` and accumulated per step results keyed by client identifier (e.g. train metrics). """ init: Callable[..., ServerState] apply: Callable[[ ServerState, Sequence[Tuple[federated_data.ClientId, client_datasets.ClientDataset, PRNGKey]] ], Tuple[ServerState, Mapping[federated_data.ClientId, Any]]]